Stream Hosting, Streaming Servers, Video Cloud Storage and Streaming Services
XYZ Stream Hosting is the streaming media solutions provider you can count on to deliver high availability turnkey audio and video stream hosting services for your company or organization. Our professionals will work with you develop the perfect solution to meet your streaming server needs today while positioning you to easily expand your stream hosting solution tomorrow. Our customers are our partners. We are only successful if they are. Stream radio or video live or on demand to any screen. XYZ Stream Hosting also builds, hosts and manages streaming media applications for iPhone, iPad, Android Phones and Tablets, Windows 8, Roku and PC applications. We provide affordable stream hosting and cloud video storage your company can rely on. Contact an XYZ Streaming Solutions Specialist today to map out the perfect solution for you!
Stream Hosting & Web Services We Offer
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Global Network | Intelligent Delivery | Scalable Delivery | Super Availability |
Our network infrastructure interconnects massive Tier 1 data centers via our super fiber optic network giving you the best quality, reliability, and availability to deliver your content around the globe.
Real-time regional localized and intelligent media delivery that gives your customer the right media format and file size for their network or device interaction |
We grow as you do. We offer stream hosting solutions for any size customer. With three levels of service to fit your budget. |
Did we mention Super Network! Our network is highly redundant to ensure that your content is available everywhere. We are hosted in over 21 data centers in North America & Europe. |
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Any Screen Delivery | Content Security | CMS | Analytics |
We make OTT any screen content delivery super easy! With just one feed we can delivery your streaming media content to any PC, tablet or mobile phone around the world. No screen to big or small for us to handle. |
Do you have content that only needs to be shared or seen by your employees. We offer secure delivery and password protected sites that can be private labeled for our customers. |
Our streaming platform Phoenix has a built in Content Management System for live and on demand streams. Manage your workflow process and stream archive with simple to use tools that make publishing your steams simple. |
Get the data you need in simple to understand reports to gather insights and make informed decisions about objects, bandwidth, storage and human interactions with your streaming media content. |
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Cloud Media Storage | Simple Integration | All Devices | Load Balancing |
Our cloud storage is powered by EMC. We offer extremely robust storage capabilities that keeps your media content secure and hyper available. With three locations in North America our storage offering is legit. |
Use simple copy and past code or our Omni-link to stream to any device or website. Need help building your next streaming media application or website? We are here to help. We can build your broadcast site for you. We offer turn key solutions that speed time to market. |
Every week there seems to be a new streaming media device that comes out on to the market. The new first screen is now mobile and XYZ can deliver your content to any PC, laptop, tablet, console, set top box, IPTV or smart phone. We know our stuff! |
Utilize our infrastructure to distribute your content around the globe while improving end-user response times. We help you deliver your media according to regional request. |
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